Animation Blueprint - Examples
Included Examples
ThirdPersonMod_AnimBP is based on the default ThirdPerson_AnimBP from the ThirdPerson template.
The TwinGun_AnimBP is used here, blended to the existing anim blueprint using a sub-graph to enable the gun related animations.
The TwinGunHandler component will be required on the Character for this setup to works properly.
Use this to check whether the gun animations should be played or not.
GunnerGirl_AnimBP is the default animation blueprint used by the GunnerGirl_Character.
This animation blueprints combines the sub-graphs of both TwinGun_AnimBP and GunnerMovement_AnimBP.
Both the GunnerGirlComponent and the TwinGunHandler will be required on the Character for this setup to works properly.
Just like the previous example,
Use this to check whether the gun animations should be played or not.